Turn Leads into Clients With This Proven Copywriting Formula

Turn Leads into Clients With This Proven Copywriting Formula

Looking for a simple, effective copywriting formula that gets your content read and turns leads into clients? Keep reading! 

Most of my clients believe they’re “bad writers.” They spin their wheels trying to create creative, eye-catching copy, only to feel overwhelmed by writer’s block.

Sometimes, they don’t want to write at all! (And that’s where I come in.)  

But 9 times out of 10, they simply don’t have the tools to quickly and easily write copy that converts. 

That’s why this copywriting formula is so useful: it provides a simple framework for effective copy.

The best part? You can use it in various marketing efforts, including Instagram captions, emails, sales pages, and more. 

The words you use to market your offers can make or break your strategy. So, keep reading for one of my favorite copywriting formulas. ⤵️

An image of Jamie Dickson standing at a counter while she types on a laptop. The text: "Turn leads into clients with this copywriting formula" is overlayed on the image

How to Use A Copywriting Formula: Start with Market Research

A copywriting formula is a framework to help you quickly create effective messages. 

Before you write, though, you need to know your ideal client.

So, conduct market research to determine:

  • Your ideal client’s pain points and challenges
  • Their goals/hopes/desires
  • The words they use to describe how their challenges make them feel
  • What they’ve already tried (and why it didn’t work)
  • What outcome they’re looking for

Market research is essential; business owners often make assumptions about what their ideal clients think and feel, and they’re usually wrong.

Our Ideal Client

In this blog post, we’re a home organizer whose ideal client has a massive clutter problem. From our market research, we’ve gathered:

Our ICA is a successful dentist and mom with 3 kids under 12. She has undiagnosed ADHD, and while she rocks her 9-5, she feels overwhelmed, exhausted, and defeated at home. 

She’s tried multiple organizing methods (The Home Edit, Marie Condo), and while those strategies worked a bit, she fell back into old habits after a few weeks; nothing ever stuck, and she feels like a failure. 

She’s spent hundreds of dollars on storage; her linen closet (and her garage … and her shed)  is filled with unused or unorganized Container Store bins, boxes, and baskets.

While she doesn’t have much time to watch TV, she’s a Bravo and Bachelor fan and enjoys true crime.

Our Copywriting Formula: PASO

Today, we’ll use the PASO copywriting formula to help our ideal client feel seen and heard and showcase that we can help her solve her problem. 

P: Problem

A: Agitation

S: Solution 

O: Outcome

I love this simple copywriting formula due to its versatility. You can use it for social media captions (short-form copy), blog posts (long-form copy), and everything in between.

Let’s write an Instagram caption using this formula. ⬇️

Illustrate the Problem

First, we’ll state our ideal client’s challenge, problem, or pain point. To help our ICA feel seen and understood, we need to paint a vivid picture of what her problem looks like:

Mama, is your clutter causing major overwhelm? Do you feel like a failure every time you step into your closet?

Here, we’ve identified who our ideal client is (a mom), what her problem is (clutter), and how it’s making her feel (overwhelmed and like a failure).


Now, we need to agitate this problem. We need to make it clear that our ICA can’t go on living like this:

Let me guess: 

✅ You haven’t seen your closet floor in months,
✅ Your kids’ playroom needs more caution tape than a Dateline episode, 

✅ And your pantry drives you to order DoorDash multiple times a week. 

You’ve tried every organizing method and strategy imaginable (Thanks, but no thanks, Marie Kondo), and you’ve spent hundreds of dollars on Container Store “solutions” only to be left with *more* clutter.

Above, we stirred the pot by showing our ICA that her problem has gotten out of hand; she’s wasting money on organizing methods, tools, and takeout and not seeing any results.


Next, we clarify that we are the solution to our ICA’s problem. (But remember, we’re just a guide – they’re the hero of their story.) 

I understand how overwhelming clutter can be. For the past 6 years, I’ve helped more than 125 moms like you tackle their clutter for *good*. 

And I know you can do it, too! You just need systems, strategies, and tools that work for your brain and unique circumstances.

We’ve clarified that we are the solution to our ICA’s problem. We showed our authority (by telling how many clients we’ve helped and how long we’ve been in business.

We also pointed out that it’s not our ICA’s fault that she’s not organized; she just hasn’t found the tools and systems that work for her unique brain (ADHD) and circumstances. 


Finally, we need to paint a picture of what our ICA’s life will look like after we help her reach her goal:

After we work together, you’ll not only have a tidy home. You’ll have a sustainable system that will keep your home organized and clutter-free forever.

Ready to get started? Drop a “YES” below, and I’ll DM you a link to book your FREE consult.

Putting It All Together With PASO Copywriting Formula

Here’s our Instagram caption! ⤵️


Mama, is clutter causing you major overwhelm?

Let me guess: 

✅ You haven’t seen your closet floor in months,
✅ Your kids’ playroom needs more caution tape than a Dateline episode, 
✅ And your pantry drives you to order DoorDash multiple times a week. 

You’ve tried every organizing method and strategy imaginable (thanks but no thanks, Marie Kondo), and you’ve spent hundreds of dollars on Container Store “solutions.”

I understand how overwhelming clutter can be. 

For the past 6 years, I’ve helped more than 125 moms like you tackle their clutter for good. 

And I know you can do it! You just need systems, strategies, and tools that work for your brain and unique circumstances.

After we work together, you won’t only have a tidy home. You’ll have a sustainable system that will keep your home organized and clutter-free forever.

Ready to get started? Drop a “YES” below, and I’ll DM you a link to book your FREE consult.


Easy peasy, right?

PASO Copywriting Formula Variation

My favorite way to shake up this formula is to start with the desired outcome. 

“Picture this: you’re sipping coffee in your tidy, organized kitchen while your kids are upstairs in their playroom. (Now that they can see the floor – they’re much happier playing there!) 

If you live with mounds of clutter, this might seem like a fantasy, but you’re closer to this dream than you realize!”

This is especially helpful for ICA’s who already know they have a problem. 

FREE PASO Caption Template ⤵️

Still not sure how to make this work for your business? Here’s a FREE PASO Caption template for you to make your own!


It doesn’t have to be this way, [ideal client qualifier here; ex: “mama,” “business owner,” etc.]!

If you’re tired of _________, ____________, and __________ [use these blanks to identify the problem you solve], keep reading!

Let me guess: you feel _________, ________, and ________ [how your client feels about their problem] when it comes to __________ [the problem]. It’s preventing you from ___________, and you’re SO over it.

I get it! And I can help. 👇

[Explain your offer here; be sure to list the BENEFITS, not the FEATURES of the offer.]

Just think – by this time next [week, month, year, etc.], you could be ____________________ [what life will look like for your client after you help her solve her problem.]

Ready to get started? DM me the word ___________ [word related to your offer].

How to Write An Instagram Caption that Pops

Let’s Wrap This  Up

Copywriting doesn’t have to be complicated; a simple formula can help you create effective messages that turn leads into clients and customers. 

So remember the PASO formula:

  1. Illustrate the Problem 
  2. Agitate the Problem 
  3. Showcase yourself as the Solution 
  4. Illustrate the Outcome

And if you’re thinking: “This sounds great, but I don’t have time to write Instagram captions and run a business. 
I get it, and I can help. Reach out today to learn more about my caption writing services.