Looking for blog post ideas for your small business?

As a content writer, I am constantly helping my clients brainstorm content for their social media and blogs. In fact, I have an entire offer devoted to it! 

And 100% of the time, my clients have great ideas in their back pockets – they just need a little guidance. 

So today, I’m sharing the 7 blog post ideas I suggest to my clients during our sessions. Be sure to read to the end for a bonus! 

Image of a laptop on a table with the text: "7 blog post ideas for your small business"

Tell a Client Succes Story

I love client success stories because they showcase your work and give potential clients or customers insight into what it’s like to work with you. 

Keep this in mind, though: your client should be the main character in this story; they’re the hero – you’re the mentor. 

In his book, “Building the StoryBrand,” Donald Miller says, “When we position our customer as the hero and ourselves as the guide, we will be recognized as a trusted resource to help them overcome their challenges.” 

So make your client the star of the show! Highlight where they were before they met you, how you helped them along their journey, and what their success looks like now.

Answer an FAQ

What questions are you constantly getting asked on Instagram or in discovery calls? 

FAQs make for great blog content – especially when it comes to SEO.

Why? If you’re asked the same question repeatedly, others are likely googling it on the regular, too. 

So, when you use the correct keywords in your blog post, you’ll increase the chance of showing up in Google searches.

You’re not only providing your potential clients with valuable information, but you’re also increasing your searchability. It’s a win-win!

Share an Unpopular Opinion

Do you disagree with something most of your industry colleagues preach about regularly? 

Maybe there’s a “guru” or two who shares advice that grinds your gears? 

Write a blog post about it! Share why you disagree and what you do differently, which will increase your authority and allow you to vent some of those frustrations. 😉

But be careful! Make sure that you have the evidence and data to support your position.

Share How-Tos & Tutorials

There’s nothing like a good, old-fashioned how-to! 

A blog is perfect for a longer tutorial since social media now leans more toward quick, immediately actionable tips and tricks. 

So, if you’re a travel agent, share how you pack your suitcase for a two-week European tour. 

If you’re a pediatric sleep coach, share how you got your toddler to transition from their crib to a bed.

Word to the wise – you might want to keep this content to a minimum, especially if you share a tutorial for a service you already offer. 

On the flip side, your readers might find hiring you to help them much easier than doing it themselves!

 It all boils down to your ideal client or customer, so do some market research.

Repurpose a Social Media Post

If you’ve recently had an Instagram post pop off, dig deeper into the topic and repurpose it into a blog post.
For example, if you share a quick tip or hack, share it, plus 2-4 more related tips in a blog post.

Write Your Founder’s Story

Most people love to learn why and how a business owner got their start. 

A founder’s story is also a great way to pull back the curtain and create a connection between you and your potential client or customer, allowing you to share your “why” and your values. 

Plus, once your founder’s story is complete, you can easily repurpose it across several channels, including social media, email, and more. 
The Social Squad Society has a great masterclass on writing your founder’s story!

Debunk A Myth

What industry myths can you squash? This is your chance to set the record straight and establish yourself as an authority.

For example, it’s a common myth that blogging is dead. I should write a blog post about why that isn’t true. 😏

Bonus Small Business Blog Post Ideas

Still looking for blog content ideas? Here are a few more to work into your editorial calendar:

  1. Share your favorite business tools, resources, and/or products
  2. Write about the books that helped you along your business journey
  3. Share what a potential client or customer needs to have before they work with you
  4. Collaborate: Ask a colleague in a neighboring industry to write a post 
  5. Write about a hardship you faced in business and how you overcame it

Let’s Wrap This Up

The best part about these small business blog post ideas is that they can easily be repurposed for email, social media, and more! 

Need a refresher? Here are the 7 content ideas:

  1. Tell a Client Success Story
  2. Answer an FAQ
  3. Share an Unpopular Opinion
  4. Write a How-to or Tutorial 
  5. Repurpose a Successful Instagram Post
  6. Share Your Founder’s Story
  7. Debunk a Myth

Did you know I offer blog content writing services? If you love these ideas, but don’t have the time or desire to blog for your business, reach out!